Sunday, June 21, 2009

Buying Bulk

I bought granola from one of those warehouse stores, but I don't really care for it. It's one of those things that'll go out with the trash this week. I'm standing in the store and all of a sudden it makes perfect sense to spend $15 on a barrel of snack product I'll never eat this year, much less my lifetime, but it goes in my cart and next thing I know I've got to find a place to store it or eat it up. Either of those decisions will make my head implode, so I'm just gonna trash it and pretty soon I'll forget I even bought it until the next time I'm standing in the aisle hankering for a snack food and all I'll remember is that I bought it once before and it disappeared pretty quickly so I must have liked it and another 10 pound package will go into my cart and the madness starts again.

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