Tuesday, July 14, 2009

The Boy

My sister and I are aunts. The nephews flew from Texas to visit my sister in Oklahoma. One nephew stayed for wrestling camp, the other flew with my sister to Kansas to my house. I don’t have animals or 4 wheelers or a pool like my sister has on her ranch. Nothing fun. So I checked out the local water park. I called ahead and rented a cabana since the temp was going to be triple digits. The guy on the phone wanted to know if I wanted to purchase a meal too. I figure his mom and dad would expect me to feed the boy, so I got that too. I went on a couple of rides. My nephew wanted to do more rides, but not wanting to put up with my further screaming in his ear the entire time, he was a trooper to spend most of the day with his aunts in the lazy river or wave pool. Even though it was a fun day for us old aunts, I’m afraid it was pretty lame for him. So I pulled out the universal symbol of happiness and served him chocolate ice cream when we got home.


  1. I can remember going to the Cabana on SPI with your Noni and you kids! What fun! Not sure how she put up with all of us but she did!

  2. We were soooo smart to have the cabana. And all the perks that came with it. The food delivered to us, the chairs in the shade, and the good view of the wave pool. You rock. You're the best aunt ever! Next to me, of course.
