Saturday, October 10, 2009

As Seen on TV

I got sucked in to one of those infomercials today. I can pick this product up at Target, but this offer is giving me an extra product for the price of one plus two extra gifts I cannot seem to live without. I read the product reviews online – all favorable. I made sure the site was secure. I made sure I was getting all of what they promised. I smiled at how smart I was for taking advantage of this great offer. I was so happy with myself right up until I pressed the final confirm button. Along with my confirmation number of my order came the postage charges for the first time – more than the product cost itself. What?! Unfreakinbelievable. No back button. No cancel order button. Just the confirmation. Shoulda known there was a catch. I’d tell you what the product is except my sister, who reads my blog, is getting the extra one for Christmas and I don’t want to spoil the surprise. Oh well. Lesson learned. I figure with the bonus items I’ve saved two bucks – enough to run up to Target after all and buy some chocolate.


  1. Ohhhhhhhhh, a surprise! I love surprises!! What is it? I won't tell your Sister.
    your Sister

  2. ummm, why can't your bestest nephew ever(Dillon, like i need to tell you) a gift??

    Your best nephew ever(Dillon)

    P.S. your blogs make me laugh my @$$ off. Keep em' comming

  3. I'm guessing one of my other favorite nephews doesn't have internet access yet or he'd be all over this! Besides, the make-up that's coming isn't your shade of eye shadow but I'll let Sue know you want it if she doesn't like it!
    Love, Your favorite aunt!
