Sunday, November 1, 2009

Fact or Crap 1

Glen started months ago planning for Cheryl’s surprise birthday present. He bought tickets for the UT/OSU football game in Stillwater for this past weekend. He also wanted to surprise Sue. He got Nancy to tell Sue her friends were coming this past weekend to visit, when in reality, Glen and family would come up from Austin, and I would come down from Lawrence, KS. Glen gave Cheryl the tickets on her birthday the week before. They left after the boys got out of school on Friday and got to Sue’s around midnight. They banged on the door and when Sue answered they were standing there singing “The Eyes of Texas Are Upon You". Sue was so surprised! When I showed up the next morning I heard her from down the road scream, “That’s my sister!” Glen got her good.
We went to the tailgate party hours before the game – Sue and Nancy in OSU shirts, the rest of us in UT outfits. We looked good. The OSU fans were very nice and friendly to all the UT fans. We responded in kind by not cramming the subsequent OSU loss down their throats hours later. Like Cheryl said, “No matter the outcome, orange wins!”

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