Monday, January 11, 2010

What to Wear

The day I dreaded has arrived. KU lost its first basketball game last night and it didn’t go unnoticed by the nephews. They both sent text messages that made me laugh, but as you know, I’m no good at trash talk so my replies were pretty lame. What do you say to, “Sooo um, KANSAS?!?” Our loss knocked us out of #1 and put Texas there. OSU is close behind too. It’s going to be a long, nail-biter season with those three teams playing so well. But I’m a good sport and vow to wear the sweatshirt of whatever team is on top every week. Today I wore my Texas sweatshirt. My OSU sweatshirt is clean and ready in the closet too. Just don’t tell anyone that I’ll always have on my KU jacket over my sweatshirt!

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