Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Grand Opening

The new Wal-Mart opened today. It’s close by, so I stopped in to check it out. I didn’t know there was a Wal-Mart cheer, but the manager was leading the crew in it when I got there. There was a ribbon cutting and a children’s choir. If there is a Wal-Mart song, I missed it.
This Wal-Mart has been in the works since 2002. Opposition from neighbors and city council refusing building permits brought lengthy law suits, which finally got sorted out last year.
This is the second Wal-Mart in town. It’s smaller than the other store, but seems to have all the departments. As I walked the aisles, no less than six employees asked if they could help me find something. Great customer service. However, four of the five items on my list are not carried by this store. Tomorrow I shall drive past this new, shiny store and stop at the one across town that carries the things I cannot live without. And while I’m there I shall put my favorite chocolate candy bar or other simple carbohydrate on lay-away.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Cookies and Collarbones

My nephew cracked his collarbone in three places playing basketball. I shall call him Z-man from now on. His mom sent me pictures of his various visitors in the hospital. There was the cookie monster with him in his room, his basketball team all suited up, and his girlfriend. I'm not sure who his favorite visitor was, but at thirteen years of age, I'm guessing it wasn't the one who brought the chocolate and simple carbohydrate dessert sweets. Be well kiddo!

Monday, April 27, 2009

A Handful of Nuts

My sister and sister-in-law encouraged me to start a blog. The pressure and responsibility now to write something meaningful and useful to readers made me postpone beginning this blog. But, I figure if other folks can Twitter about their every thought and action, then my blogs can be a set of useless ramblings on a variety of topics that readers can ignore at will. No more pressure.
My sister-in-law told the story of how her mom had the grandsons over and she went to the pantry for a snack of mixed nuts and asked the oldest if he wanted a handful of nuts. Without missing a beat he replied, "No thanks Grandma, I have my own nuts and can grab a handful whenever I want."
These zany people - my sister, my brother, his wife, their two boys, their friends and family, and my friends too - all make me laugh out loud with a snort at the end; and while I don't have their quick wit, I want my blog to be somewhat entertaining. Thanks in advance to these folks for my inspiration and allowing me to retell their life events from my warped perspective.
I asked my sisters what to name my blog and immediately Cindy's Nuts came to mind. I love the many meanings - Cindy is nuts; the folks in Cindy's life are nuts; Cindy loves chowing down on nuts covered in chocolate or other simple carbohydrates; or the more likely scenario that I could grow a pair and play with a handful whenever I want.