Thursday, April 14, 2011

Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood

“Sorry about all the smoke and noise coming from my house today.” That’s how my email began…

The HVAC company came out to do spring tune up on the air conditioner. When I saw the smoke I went outside to see if I needed the fire department. He explained the best way to get the grass and leaves out of the unit is to burn it out. Apparently they do this every year, but the winds were strong today, thus carrying the smell and smoke for my neighbors to enjoy too.

When he finished, he was putting on his shoes to leave and leaned his hand against the wall for balance. He accidently pushed the ARM button on the security system by the back door. The high pitched, very loud alarm sounded as he walked out. I pressed the DISARM button, but it wanted me to enter a code I've never known. I called the alarm company and was told that because I didn't have service with them that they wouldn't help me. Perhaps the decibel level in the background was such that she felt sorry for me because she finally said to look for the wall plug that the unit was plugged into and unplug it, and if I needed more help I could go to their website and sign up for service. They are, after all, running a special now. Ugh! We searched for an electrical outlet with something plugged in it and couldn't find one.

I went next door, hoping they have the same unit as I do. The alarm was still blaring. My neighbor showed me their box in the garage and how to disengage it. Grateful, the HVAC guy and I went on a scavenger hunt all over my house and attic but to no avail. He left and I called the local locksmith and begged them to come. The alarm finally shut off and as long as I didn't open any doors or windows the alarm wouldn't go off again, but the unit chirped annoyingly six times every three minutes, as I'm sure all of my neighbors can attest to. I met the locksmith in the driveway and asked if he brought a shot gun. He was gonna have to use it on me if he couldn't get the unit to be quiet. When he took the case off the unit the hideous alarm went off again. He worked quickly with the tools he brought and when the quiet came, it was joyous! Apparently my unit is self-contained in the wall unit. I'd have taken a sledge hammer to the wall sooner had I known that! Anyway, I asked what I owed him and he said nothing. Word of mouth was more important to him and he left me some business cards to let my friends and neighbors know that in addition to being locksmiths, they do security system monitoring now too. I immediately emailed an apology to my neighbors with my high praise and recommendation for the locksmith company to do alarm system monitoring.

I have adequately paid it forward. Quiet and order is restored to the neighborhood once again. I should rephrase that to say that quiet and order is restored to the neighborhood once again, for now.

Happy Spring!

1 comment:

  1. O.M.G. I would have been nuts. Same thing happened to me with my old white truck, but it was the guy at the repair shop that accidentally tripped the homemade alarm!
