Thursday, August 6, 2009

Family Reunion Drama

My 11 year old nephew was playing with his 5 year old cousin. He was joking around and started to fake cry. She thought she hurt his feelings, so she began to cry for real. Outright sob. No amount of reasoning on my nephew’s part, telling her he was all right calmed her. She ran into her mother’s arms to be consoled. My brother just put his head in his hands and shook his head. Then, ever so gently said to my nephew, “Son, let this be a lesson to you… little girls are different than little boys.”
I'd like to add that big girls are different than big boys as well. And when big girls cry, remember to bring the dark chocolate.

1 comment:

  1. Yesssssss It was a fun good time. Much too short though. And the first lesson from the 5 year old Queen of Drama Queens for poor Tyler!
