Wednesday, August 12, 2009

That Just Ain't Right

My twin sister and I were raised in the big city. My sister moved to the farm two and a half years ago. Farm life is hard. When I visit, things happen and I think, “that just ain’t right”, but my sister has come to accept these things as normal. For example, little frogs jump onto the sliding glass door and stay there. They have figured out that at certain times of the day flies will see the glass doors as water and fly into them. The frogs will grab these flies and gobble them up. All they have to do is sit on the door and supper comes to them. That just ain’t right.
Last time I visited she had a list of things she needed help with that we could do together. One thing was for us to go to the hardware store and pick up a utility cart that fits behind the 4-wheeler to haul stuff. We took her pickup truck to the store and they loaded it up for us. When we got home we couldn’t figure out how to get the cart out of the back of the pickup as we had no lift. I can’t go into details, let’s just say we got that cart down onto the ground without having to call for emergency services, even though bruises and scrapes were involved. That just ain’t right.
I went to visit my sister this week. We were driving the truck around the property and came across an old abandoned 15 x 4 metal wire fence panel. It was warped and mangled and needed to be moved to the “trash pile”. There is a hole dug on purpose somewhere on the property and they dump things in the hole that will be eventually buried for eternity. We thought it would be a great idea to move this fence panel to the trash pile. But this panel was three times longer than the truck bed and we didn’t have rope to drag it or tie downs to keep it in the truck. So we put it in the back of the truck sideways so at least 5 feet of fence hung over both sides the truck. We drove only a few feet before the darn thing fell off. So we went to plan B. I crawled up into the bed of the truck and sat on the fence panel. Then it occurred to me that if the wire panel fell off the truck, so would I. My sister and I were laughing so hard as she drove to the trash pile, dodging trees and farm equipment by mere inches. That just ain’t right.

1 comment:

  1. Too funny! I can still see your butt bouncing up and down on that wire panel in the rear view mirror as I navigated the farm to avoid trailers and trees and such. Sure, we could have dragged the thing behind the truck, but where would fun be in that? Thanks for helping! You missed the burning of the brush piles today. On second thought, it's probably a good thing given our track record. We might have lit our hair on fire!
