Thursday, August 20, 2009

My Day as a Runner

I’ve been reading up on the couch to 5-K program on the internet and decided I’d start walking, jogging, then running. If I stick with it, maybe I’ll run a marathon in a year or so. Even now, I can feel the glee as I cross the finish line.
Yesterday I actually got outside. I stretched first, then walked, then jogged. I jogged slowly at first, concentrating on my form because I want to look like those people on the cover of Sports Illustrated magazine. I figure I’d pick up the speed later. Are we done yet? Is it time to go home? What do you mean I’ve just gone a quarter of a mile?! Tell my lungs that! Tell my knees we’ve still got a long way to go. Tell my heart that it’s got to keep beating – just not out of my chest. And for goodness sakes, pick my uterus up off the ground. It fell out on the last turn.
Why did I think this was a good idea? Maybe I’ll just buy the cute running outfits and sip on chocolate protein drinks instead.

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