Wednesday, December 30, 2009

2009 - Out

Two more inches of snow last night, making it almost two feet for the week. The city was clearing our street first thing this morning, so I got out and got my tamales, corn bread, and black-eyed peas for New Year's Day - no worries. Since we will get to single digit temps tonight for a week, any ice, snow, or sludge left on the sidewalks or driveway will freeze and never melt, so I got out and finished shoveling when I got home from the store. Lots of neighbors were out doing the same thing. I got to meet the new neighborhood dogs (animals, not people) and catch up on the gossip. Food, bath, then bed for me!
Be safe tomorrow and have a Happy New Year!

Saturday, December 26, 2009

Sports Melding

Texas has it wrapped up in NCAA football. Hook ‘Em Horns! Go Orange! January 7th is gonna be a great game!
Now, let’s talk NCAA basketball! I was pretty sure Kansas had it locked. But now I see that both Texas and Oklahoma State are also doing well. Might have to work for it a little harder than we thought, but I’m still cheering on KU! Rock Chalk Jayhawk!
For fun, I got Glen, Cheryl, Dillon, and Tyler all KU basketball shirts for Christmas. I wanted them to have something to wear during basketball season. I also got them electronic gizmos as well because I’m pretty sure they’ll just wear the shirts as pajama tops. Christmas Day I got an email from them. They were wearing their KU shirts while giving the Texas Longhorn finger salute, the sign of the horns. I laughed so hard. Hook ‘Em Jayhawks! Or is that Rock Chalk Longhorn?! Merry Christmas!

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Merry Christmas to All, and to All a Good Night!

I’m not into any of the holiday football bowl games. I’m waiting for the January 7th Texas game to get excited again. Until then, I wonder…
Who would win a football game between drumming drummers and piping pipers? What about swimming swans and laying geese? Calling birds and French hens? I’d get me some wassail and figgy pudding and watch that.
We’ll have a white Christmas with about 5 inches of snow by the morning. Great weather to curl up with a good book and have a fire in the fireplace. Almost all the Christmas Eve services and activities have been cancelled already. I sure hope Santa doesn’t cancel his rounds. I’m putting out the milk, gingerbread men, and reindeer treats just in case; but don’t expect me to save any chocolate chip cookies for the big guy as I’ll be eating those after I shovel the walk.

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Last Minute Christmas Chaos

Who waits until the last minute to START their Christmas shopping? Certainly no one I know, but if I did know someone like that, I offer some great advice:
First, give up the idea of finding the perfect present for anyone. Of course, if you’ve waited until Christmas Eve to start shopping then you probably already have. Tell yourself it’s the thought that counts and repeat until you believe it. Then try one of the following quiet, peaceful places guaranteed to avoid the other crazed shoppers.
Hardware store – For women get the framed artwork, poinsettia or silk tree, the tabletop fountain, or power tools. For men, get lots of shiny gadgets that light up and make noises.
Movies – give the gift of a good time in movie passes.
Pet Supply Store – dog squeaker toys or cat themed cards that could be framed for the wall.
Hair salon – haircut or manicure gift certificate.
Gas Station – for the really desperate – they sell sunglasses, wireless accessories, lottery tickets, or candy.
Video store – for the desperately desperate – they stay open late and sell movies and games.
If you cannot get out due to weather or you suffer from severe procrastination, you can always use your computer to generate gift certificates for anything and deliver by e-mail.
Finally, just buy the kids a set of batteries and attach a note saying, “Toys Not Included”.
Then you can loudly proclaim that you are finally ready for Christmas with an hour to spare!

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Don't Mess with a Wrestler's Aunt

My nephew wrestles better than your nephew.
It’s a new sport to me, but I’m learning quickly as Tyler does better and better. Basically, you try to get both of the opponent’s shoulders on the mat at the same time for two seconds. I get that. It’s all the stuff that happens trying to get that done that I’m not real clear on.
Each wrestler wears the same outfit – a singlet, shoes, and a helmet to keep the brain guts intact. They have to play both offense and defense and be good at both. It’s not like football where you’ve got six deep in each position either offense or defense. The scoring depends on falls, escapes, reversals, and other positions you must be good at; and somehow the wrestlers know if they are suppose to be getting into or out of these positions. I just look for my nephew to pin the guy. He’s quite good at it. And even though there are lots of weight classes, he has to wrestle man-child folks who weigh 50 or more pounds more than him. Finally, each wrestler must bring a cloth to the match to wipe any sweat and blood from the mat after the match. Ick.
You can get up now. The match is over. And I can open my eyes again.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009


I live down the street from a school. When there is snow or sleet, the streets by me are plowed and sanded first so the buses can get the kiddos to school on time. It was wicked cold today – between 0 and 7 degrees all day. I was out shoveling the sidewalk when school let out and some kids walking home commented on all the fresh, white snow in my yard. They asked if they could build a snowman and I said sure. As they ran all over the yard getting mounds of snow together, I stole what I could and began making a snow cave. Then I hid inside and peeked out long enough to throw the first snowball in our massive, mondo snowball fight! Other kids joined in, mostly ganging up on me, but my little cave gave me adequate shelter from the bumps and bruises the other kids no doubt now have. They never did finish the snowman, and I never did finish the sidewalk. Instead, I opted for a soak in the tub and hot chocolate. The kids said they were telling their friends to come over and do it again tomorrow. The sun is coming out tomorrow and the warmer temperatures will probably melt most of the snow by the time school gets out, but I’m stocking up on hot cocoa and cookies anyway. And Ben Gay ointment.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Looking Good

I’m still recovering well from surgery. Glen drove up to look at me. We went to the KU men’s basketball game. KU put up 36 unanswered points, 1 short of the NCAA record for most consecutive points in a game. The final score reflected a 67 point victory, which was the third largest margin of victory in KU history, and the 31 points the opponent did score were the fewest allowed by a KU team in Allen Fieldhouse. Granted, their opponent was ranked 347 out of 347, but KU still played like the champions they are. We went to dinner after the game and watched Duke lose by one point. Great night of basketball, burgers, and brother’s visit!