Wednesday, December 9, 2009


I live down the street from a school. When there is snow or sleet, the streets by me are plowed and sanded first so the buses can get the kiddos to school on time. It was wicked cold today – between 0 and 7 degrees all day. I was out shoveling the sidewalk when school let out and some kids walking home commented on all the fresh, white snow in my yard. They asked if they could build a snowman and I said sure. As they ran all over the yard getting mounds of snow together, I stole what I could and began making a snow cave. Then I hid inside and peeked out long enough to throw the first snowball in our massive, mondo snowball fight! Other kids joined in, mostly ganging up on me, but my little cave gave me adequate shelter from the bumps and bruises the other kids no doubt now have. They never did finish the snowman, and I never did finish the sidewalk. Instead, I opted for a soak in the tub and hot chocolate. The kids said they were telling their friends to come over and do it again tomorrow. The sun is coming out tomorrow and the warmer temperatures will probably melt most of the snow by the time school gets out, but I’m stocking up on hot cocoa and cookies anyway. And Ben Gay ointment.

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