Saturday, December 19, 2009

Don't Mess with a Wrestler's Aunt

My nephew wrestles better than your nephew.
It’s a new sport to me, but I’m learning quickly as Tyler does better and better. Basically, you try to get both of the opponent’s shoulders on the mat at the same time for two seconds. I get that. It’s all the stuff that happens trying to get that done that I’m not real clear on.
Each wrestler wears the same outfit – a singlet, shoes, and a helmet to keep the brain guts intact. They have to play both offense and defense and be good at both. It’s not like football where you’ve got six deep in each position either offense or defense. The scoring depends on falls, escapes, reversals, and other positions you must be good at; and somehow the wrestlers know if they are suppose to be getting into or out of these positions. I just look for my nephew to pin the guy. He’s quite good at it. And even though there are lots of weight classes, he has to wrestle man-child folks who weigh 50 or more pounds more than him. Finally, each wrestler must bring a cloth to the match to wipe any sweat and blood from the mat after the match. Ick.
You can get up now. The match is over. And I can open my eyes again.

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