Saturday, February 27, 2010

Lost and Found

Sixteen months ago I lost my spare key ring in the washer. I figured it out the next time I went to check the mail and couldn't find the keys. I remembered putting them in the pocket of the jeans I had just washed, but couldn't find them in the washer or dryer. This was the key ring that I kept all my store key ring cards, an extra house key, and the extra mail box key. Today I did a load of laundry and when I opened the washer door to put the clothes in the dryer, my house key was right there. I shook my head at how this had to be the key lost almost a year and a half ago. I carefully pulled out all the clothes one at a time, shaking them out, hoping to find the others. Sure enough. The mailbox key was there, and three key ring cards came out. When it was empty I found the broken key ring. Amazing. I think I had five or six key ring cards on there, but I didn't find any others, and don't really care at this point. It's all rusted - like it's been through over a year's worth of laundry cycles. I should call for service and have the drum taken out. Perhaps then I might even find my missing socks without having to wait another year.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Building a Rep

The overnight delivery man will leave my package on the door mat, knock on the door, then drive away. I had just come out of the shower when I heard that familiar knock. I hadn’t ordered anything so I threw on some clothes to see what wonderful gift awaited. I threw open the front door, looked down, and saw the feet of my neighbor. He had come over to tell me he was back from vacation and to thank me for watching the house. I asked how his trip was and he nervously shifted his weight back and forth, stared blankly at the top of my porch avoiding eye contact, and mumbled quick replies. Obviously uncomfortable, he slithered down the walk to go back to his house.
I knew my wet, uncombed hair was a mess, but I was clean and smelled good, so I stepped outside to look up to see if there was a spider web or wasp nest in the corner of my porch. I didn’t see one so I couldn’t figure out what he had been staring at. As I looked around I saw a couple of other neighbors out shoveling snow. I waved and turned to go back inside. I got a glimpse of myself in the mirror by the front door. My pants hadn’t exactly made it all the way on. The pants I threw on had fallen down my hips, exposing all but my crotch of my purple and pink striped underwear.
I've already been to Kohl’s and bought snug pants that fit so that won't happen again. I wish my reputation of flashing the neighbors could be salvaged just as quickly and easily.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Screaming By Text Message

When my nose started running I called a friend and told her I’d be sick for two days with a cold, then back to normal. Here it is, two weeks later, and I’m still congested, my throat hurts, I’m coughing, what voice I have left is two octaves lower than normal, and I’m almost out of chicken soup. So, same room or not, all my cheers and jeers during the KU/UT game had to be texted instead of shouted. But there is good news: Puffs makes a box of tissues with Vick’s. Magical. As far as the game, it was fun to watch. Well, the free throw KU tossed after Aldrich fouled out with the technical was more pathetically humorous than fun, as was Taylor’s foul of Brown on the three pointer with a minute left in the game; but the Texas students and fans were fun to watch. The Big 12 is still up in the air as there are 7 games yet to be played. And these two teams will probably play each other again during March Madness on the road to the Final Four. In the meantime, out of UT, OSU, and KU, according to today’s polls, here’s what I’m wearing…

Sunday, February 7, 2010

All in the Game

I hear there’s a little football game today. I’m all about the snacks, commercials, and half-time show. I may even watch a bit of the game.
The big game I’m interested in takes place tomorrow night. Kansas vs. Texas basketball. Texas’ weakness is making the free throw shots, so if Kansas wants to win they will have to foul a Texas player every other shot. But who wants to watch that?! I want to see two strong teams play well together. I want to see lots of running up and down the court. I want to see the guys having fun! If that happens, then no matter who wins, it’ll be basketball at its best! So, to quote my Texas relatives, “Rock Chalk Longhorn!”

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Watcha Wearin'?

Back in the number 1 spot this week! Rock Chalk Jayhawk, Go KU!