Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Screaming By Text Message

When my nose started running I called a friend and told her I’d be sick for two days with a cold, then back to normal. Here it is, two weeks later, and I’m still congested, my throat hurts, I’m coughing, what voice I have left is two octaves lower than normal, and I’m almost out of chicken soup. So, same room or not, all my cheers and jeers during the KU/UT game had to be texted instead of shouted. But there is good news: Puffs makes a box of tissues with Vick’s. Magical. As far as the game, it was fun to watch. Well, the free throw KU tossed after Aldrich fouled out with the technical was more pathetically humorous than fun, as was Taylor’s foul of Brown on the three pointer with a minute left in the game; but the Texas students and fans were fun to watch. The Big 12 is still up in the air as there are 7 games yet to be played. And these two teams will probably play each other again during March Madness on the road to the Final Four. In the meantime, out of UT, OSU, and KU, according to today’s polls, here’s what I’m wearing…


  1. Isn't this the *worst* cold? I'm still hacking and wheezing, too, 3 weeks later! The doc told Sue to expect this, though. Apparently, this isn't a run-of-the-mill cold virus. SUCKS.

  2. I'm sooooooooo sorry, sweet Sister! You were bound to get it. I hope you feel much better soon. I still can't lay down without getting congested, and it's been weeks! Yuck!!!
