Wednesday, April 28, 2010


My blog is officially one year old! Special thanks again to Sue and Cheryl for nudging me to start blogging. After a year of blogging I’ve learned that I still have nothing of note to say. But thanks for stopping by and reading anyway. Today’s blog entry will be a story I’ve told over and over but never blogged about. Now it will live in infamy:

Little brothers were born to be picked on by big sisters. I took my job as big sister seriously and was good at that aspect. Relentless and constant. Plus, my little brother had two big sisters to pick on him. Doubly blessed that one.
As adults we are supposed to be beyond all that. But somehow I could never think of him as a mature adult, making decisions in a responsible and reasonable manner. Until the day we walked into a t-shirt shop at South Padre Island…
Shortly after Cheryl had Tyler my brother brought Dillon, then two years old, to the beach when I was there. We walked into a t-shirt shop and immediately my giant brother got down on one knee, eye level to my nephew and said, “I need you to keep your hands to yourself while we’re in this shop. There are lots of little trinkets and shiny objects that I know little boys want to touch and play with; but I need you to put your hands in your pockets, don’t touch anything, and stay close to me while we are here.” My nephew put his hands in his pockets and skipped behind my brother shopping for t-shirts.
I almost cried right then and there. My little brother had grown up and was a great dad and didn’t need my teasing or pranks.
Nana nana boo boo.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Techno What?

worked in the yard 4 the 4th day in a row and got beds cleaned out and fresh mulch spred. rain on da way and rushed 2 finish. made it b4 1st drops hit ground. whoo hoo!
ll!!ymmjbetsmote. that don't mean nothing - i'm practicing my technospeak. did ya notice the non-capitalizations? trying to be grammatically and punctuationally incorrect on purpose. how will the next generation communicate with ours? maybe the library offers classes. otherwise i'm learning slowly. some of my fav's:
ilum - i love you man
ign - i got nothing
gwhtlc - glad we had this little chat (huh? were we chatting?)
but my all time favorite is sh^ - shut up (which i will do now)
ttfn (look it up)

Friday, April 9, 2010

Lucy and Ethel

Under the category of TMI, all my male relatives should move along now and not read this blog entry. You’ve been warned. Keep moving. Nothing to see here guys…

Jugs. Twins. Double Whoppers. Yep. Talking about the boobs. I’ve never had ‘em, but I do now! We’re quite a pair now because I’m a boob too. But geez. Neither Sue nor Cheryl warned me about the side effects of big boobs. I can never sleep on my stomach again. I get rashes under the girls when I sweat. While they make great jogging partners they sometimes pull ahead and I trip over myself trying to catch up with them. I can use them as a sweater stretcher, but never know if they’ll stretch to a larger cup size or a longer cup size. Wondering what else I don’t know about these new mysterious appendages. I’m thinking I should add them as additional residents to my census form (along with the voices in my head of course).

Monday, April 5, 2010

The Easter Bunny Found My House

I'm disappointed that I didn't jump up off the operating table from this surgery feeling grand. I'm right where I should be in my recovery, but still fighting pain, itching, and brain fog. I don't do a whole lot (which is exactly what I should be doing) and I've let things slide - like checking the mail weekly instead of daily.
Imagine my surprise and delight - truly the highlight of these past couple of weeks - when I checked my mail on Easter Sunday and found Glen and Cheryl’s family calendar! I was so touched and happy that I busted out crying. Yes, my hormones are out of sync, and yes, I cry at the Budweiser commercials too.
Anyway, every one of the pictures in the calendar is awesome. Dillon and Tyler are growing so fast. They probably hate that I say that. And they’d hate it more when I say how good-looking they are. And they’d cringe if I said how proud I am of them that they are growing up to be fine young citizens. So I’ll just take them over the edge and say how fun it is to be their aunt.
I shall go now and admire the pictures again and the memories associated with them while finishing off the other ear off of my chocolate bunny. Happy Easter!