Thursday, April 22, 2010

Techno What?

worked in the yard 4 the 4th day in a row and got beds cleaned out and fresh mulch spred. rain on da way and rushed 2 finish. made it b4 1st drops hit ground. whoo hoo!
ll!!ymmjbetsmote. that don't mean nothing - i'm practicing my technospeak. did ya notice the non-capitalizations? trying to be grammatically and punctuationally incorrect on purpose. how will the next generation communicate with ours? maybe the library offers classes. otherwise i'm learning slowly. some of my fav's:
ilum - i love you man
ign - i got nothing
gwhtlc - glad we had this little chat (huh? were we chatting?)
but my all time favorite is sh^ - shut up (which i will do now)
ttfn (look it up)

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