Thursday, May 27, 2010

Part of the Journey

My brother rides a Harley. He and my sister-in-law both enjoy riding. They gear up in dew rags, leather chaps, gloves, vests, and helmets and ride as often as their schedule and the weather permits. They talk pipes and flames. They collect Harley pins and t-shirts and stories of the folks they meet on their rides. They have fun.
Glen has taken the last couple of weeks to ride around the western US, hitting 24 states and seeing the sites. He stopped by my house today. I've kept him up too late and he’s exhausted already. He’ll put up a post on his blog soon, so for now I’ll just say he got here and we both had steak for dinner and we had a nice visit. I got to see his pictures too. What an amazing trip. I was surprised to learn he took some from the motorcycle while moving. They are clear and good. They all tell a story and I’m so glad he’s been able to share his trip adventures through his blog.
I want him to be comfortable and that means the thermostat is on 68 degrees. Don’t worry about me – I’ve got on jeans, a sweatshirt, and two pairs of socks. His ceiling fan is on full blast as well. I guess he’s used to being on the motorcycle with the wind blowing back his hair – wait, that’s not right with his bald self – er, I mean, he’s used to the wind blowing into every orifice of his body keeping him chilly cold and frosty. I’ll just throw another blanket on the bed and think warm thoughts. It’s been a fun day and I’m glad he stopped by!

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Consciousness - That Annoying Time Between Naps

Always up at 3 am for some strange reason. It’s been this way for weeks now. I’m tired and grumpy and want to sleep, but that doesn’t happen. So instead of fighting it I get up and do laundry or cook and freeze meals. Tonight I’m catching up on my DVR shows and blogging about nothing. Maybe Sue will let me come to her house and count her sheep. Problem with that is she’ll make me figure out which are goats, ewes, lambs, or rams first, and that just makes my head implode. So I’ll stay here and warm some milk. I’ll put chocolate in it and maybe find a cookie or two to go with it. Eventually I will sleep and anyone that disturbs my sleep will get hit with a stick. According to Glen, folks sleep while driving in Oregon – head back, mouth open, eyes half closed, driving 70mph. Perhaps I should fly to Oregon and rent a car to get some rest.

Friday, May 7, 2010

Lions, Tigers, and Shopping - OH MY!

Took advantage of the Mother’s Day sales weekend and went clothes shopping today. My wardrobe for the past few years has consisted of mostly jeans and t-shirts of the places I’ve traveled to, both long and short sleeves. I knew I’d have to protein load before I left for the mall, and I’m glad I did! I picked out two tops I thought were cute and found an associate to ask if she thought these tops would launder well (I don’t iron). She gave me “the look” (you know the one – she sizes you up and down with a snarl on her face) and she said, “well, this one is a pajama top, and the other is a sundress.” What?! Clearly I needed more help than just directions to the dressing rooms. I thanked her for her advice and slithered off, determined more than ever to find just one top to buy. I finally found one top I thought was age appropriate and would be fun to wear. I looked up and saw a poster on the wall of Brittany Spears straddling a chair wearing the exact top I picked out. I knew I was in trouble then. So I went to the jewelry counter and bought earrings. Sigh.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

May the 4th Be With You

My friend Denise wrote that on her Facebook status today. I spewed my drink. Funny, funny! Happy Star Wars Day! I shall celebrate by making laser and light saber noises with my mouth, “Pew! Pew! Pew!”
May the 4th is one day before May the 5th, Cinco de Mayo. I’ve spent lots of time thinking about all the Mexican food I’ll be eating. Tacos and guacamole are my favorites and I’m pretty sure chips and queso will be involved as well.
Whichever holidays you choose to celebrate, do it with Force, Spicy Chilies, and Chocolate!