Friday, May 7, 2010

Lions, Tigers, and Shopping - OH MY!

Took advantage of the Mother’s Day sales weekend and went clothes shopping today. My wardrobe for the past few years has consisted of mostly jeans and t-shirts of the places I’ve traveled to, both long and short sleeves. I knew I’d have to protein load before I left for the mall, and I’m glad I did! I picked out two tops I thought were cute and found an associate to ask if she thought these tops would launder well (I don’t iron). She gave me “the look” (you know the one – she sizes you up and down with a snarl on her face) and she said, “well, this one is a pajama top, and the other is a sundress.” What?! Clearly I needed more help than just directions to the dressing rooms. I thanked her for her advice and slithered off, determined more than ever to find just one top to buy. I finally found one top I thought was age appropriate and would be fun to wear. I looked up and saw a poster on the wall of Brittany Spears straddling a chair wearing the exact top I picked out. I knew I was in trouble then. So I went to the jewelry counter and bought earrings. Sigh.

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