Thursday, May 20, 2010

Consciousness - That Annoying Time Between Naps

Always up at 3 am for some strange reason. It’s been this way for weeks now. I’m tired and grumpy and want to sleep, but that doesn’t happen. So instead of fighting it I get up and do laundry or cook and freeze meals. Tonight I’m catching up on my DVR shows and blogging about nothing. Maybe Sue will let me come to her house and count her sheep. Problem with that is she’ll make me figure out which are goats, ewes, lambs, or rams first, and that just makes my head implode. So I’ll stay here and warm some milk. I’ll put chocolate in it and maybe find a cookie or two to go with it. Eventually I will sleep and anyone that disturbs my sleep will get hit with a stick. According to Glen, folks sleep while driving in Oregon – head back, mouth open, eyes half closed, driving 70mph. Perhaps I should fly to Oregon and rent a car to get some rest.

1 comment:

  1. We are divesting ourselves of the goats, so soon you will only have sheep to define. Ewes, rams, lambs, ewelambs, and ramlambs. See, that didn't hurt much. Oh, and wethers. Never mind.
