Wednesday, September 30, 2009

The Song is the Same

Music is generationally divisive. How can today’s near-metal, hip-hop generation of teenagers get excited about the rock music, power ballads we listened to as teenagers? Two words: Guitar Hero. At least that’s what my brother thinks. My nephews begged their parents to take them to the Journey concert tonight. What an awesome family outing! Today’s soundtrack of my nephew’s youth is the same as the soundtrack of my youth. Who’d have thought?! Now I wasn’t there, but I can just imagine everyone, young and old, spilling out of the concert singing in unison and a cappella “I’m forever yours, faithfully, whoa oh oh oh…”

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Got My Flu Shot, Got the Flu

I got my flu shot last week so of course now I have the flu. But I don’t need to go to the doctor. I can get well on my own by taking massive doses of mucous rendering, expectorant, chemical combinations from the drugstore. My friend offered to go to the grocery store for me, but all I’m seeing here is chicken soup and lots of fruits and vegetables. Someone needs to give my friend the “chocolate is magic” lecture.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

After Hours Double-Time

My house has become an appliance graveyard. The body count so far consists of a humidifier (if it wasn’t so loud I never would have thrown it across the room), an electric knife (think 70’s harvest gold), a waffle iron on life support (duct tape is all that is holding it together), the newly expired Panini maker, and the washing machine that is just a spin cycle away from flat-lining.
I guess it could be worse… the air conditioner, the TV, or the microwave could be out. Now these appliances would require immediate weekend, double-pay service if disabled. If I didn’t need the air conditioning I’d go camping. My neighbors couldn’t entertain me like reality shows. And, I couldn’t melt chocolate for brownies, cupcakes, and my intravenous infusions.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Month Day Year Hour Minute Second

September 9, 2009, otherwise known as 09/09/09. It falls on a Wednesday and both that word and September have 9 letters in them. Everything that happens today – good or bad – will be blamed on this date, no matter how undeserved because 9 is considered both lucky and ominous, depending on who you are hanging out with. I think 9 is lucky because I don’t buy into the thought that numbers hold fear over us like the threat of a tsunami. Merchants have advertised 09/09/09 day as Beatles Day because of the release of The Beatles: Rock Band game. Movie releases will happen today. Couples have planned weddings or childbirth to happen on this day. I wasn’t so organized as to plan something spectacular for this day, so I’ll mark my calendar and start making plans now for the next year when the same digit month, day, year, hour, minute, and second fall on the same day. I don’t know what that will be, but I do know that chocolate will be involved.

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Big 12 - SCORE!

We were raised in Texas where the accents are heavy (Y’all know they are) and football is a religion. So naturally, my brother, sister, and I all support our local NCAA college football teams. My brother and family cheer for the University of Texas Longhorns. My sister goes to the Oklahoma State University Cowboy games. (I am very well versed now in the difference between bright orange and burnt orange.) I root for the Kansas University Jayhawks.
I trash talk text message with my nephews, but I’m no good at it. Last year the best I could come up with was the old line, “bust out the pen and paper – you just got schooled”. I hate to be so harsh. Thank goodness all three teams won their first game of the season – and won big! But I’ve been practicing my trash talk for when we play each other. Topping the insult list is “We’re gonna hit you so hard and so fast and from so many directions that you’re gonna be screamin’, “Y’all stop”."
I'll keep working on it. Ammunition, er, I mean suggestions, welcome.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Texting with my Sister

Sis: On the way to pick up 100 frozen chickens.
Me: Won’t 100 chickens be kinda loud when they thaw?
Sis: They are very quiet. The reception we got was chilly. They gave us the cold shoulder.
Me: Glad they finally warmed up to you. Throw some rice at them and call it dinner. Are they part of the volunteer work you do for the co-op? Or do you have a vitamin deficiency?
Sis: Neither. Long story. I’ll send an email.
Me: If frogs are involved, nevermind.
I still don't know if those birds are alive or not, nor do I know why she feels she needs 100 of them. I'm still waiting for the explanation e-mail, but I gotta say now, that just ain't right.