Monday, May 11, 2009

Breaking the Rules

Some things make us crazy. And if they drive us crazy, then they MUST be driving others crazy too, right? I’d like to think I’m not alone in my neurosis.
For example, it makes me nuts when people put one space after the period in a sentence. Two spaces is how I was taught and two spaces is the correct way it’s done. I get that texting and tweeting shortens the available space for communicating, but one should still follow the “two spaces after the period” rule. That’s just common sense. It reads better. It flows better. It gets more allowance and bigger dessert portions of chocolate and other simple carbohydrates.
I'm not a fanatic though. I can handle other writing mistakes like grammer errors, misspelled words, and even dangling participles. And Lord knows I've ended many a sentence with a preposition! I simply have no tolerance for people who use incorrect ending sentence structure. Use the ! or use the ; or even a series of symbols to end the sentence like @%#! Just be sure and use two spaces after. Thanks.

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