Monday, May 4, 2009

No Purple Allowed

My brother has an intimidating appearance; that is, until he smiles and opens his mouth. He’s one of funniest guys I know and all heart. But his shaved head, handlebar mustache, big physique, and just the right look on his face would scare anyone – including teenagers. If they got out of line, he’d give them a stern talking to, then make them dig a hole and fill it in. And they'd do it for fear he'd eat them if they didn't.
My brother and sister-in-law are taking the nephews and other youths on another church mission trip this summer. They are fun chaperones, but the kids know that if they break a rule that they have to answer to my brother – worse than facing their own parents.
At the last planning meeting the “No Purple Allowed” rule was explained. The boys will be sleeping in the blue room. The girls will be sleeping in the red room. There will be no mixing of the people in the blue and red rooms at any time. In other words, no purple allowed.
It’s just one of many of the trip rules, but knowing my brother is on the other end of breaking the rules helps the rest of the parents sleep well at night!

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