Saturday, May 2, 2009

Shopping or Root Canal

I wasn’t born with the shopping gene. Growing up, my mom would tell me in the car on the way to the mall that I needed to buy dress pants so what color did I want? Did I want zipper or button up? Did I want back pockets? Did I want front pleats? I shouldn’t get any that said “dry clean only”. By this time we were at the mall and she’d pull up to the curb and say, “You’ve got 10 minutes to find and try on the pants you just described. GO!” And ten minutes later she’d come in to pay and we’d go home. No window shopping, no people watching, no food court visits.
I adopted this method of shopping when I left home. Now, years later, I cannot shop with others. I don’t understand their meandering, sales searching, or buying bargains for stuff they didn’t need or want before they got there. And they don’t understand how I can purchase an item minutes within walking into the store without looking in six other stores for the same item.
I like my way of shopping. It leaves more time for eating chocolate and other simple carbohydrates.

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