Saturday, May 16, 2009

Who Done It

I could never write a TV mystery show. I am sure there is a formula, but I am one that never figures out who did it or why. I’m always surprised by the ending. Worse, I don’t ever remember who did it, so when reruns come around, I am still surprised by who done it.
I think my brain only has enough room for remembering my address, the multiplication tables, and that Des Moines has the highest Jell-o consumption per capita in the US. Everything else, like solving a mystery show or remembering which fork to use at a formal dinner party gets pushed out.
I’m told that brain food from the fish or veggie food groups could help, but Cheetos and chocolate are all I have in the house right now. I’d run to the store and get some brain food, but I can’t remember where I put my car keys.

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